Jonathan Klecks spiritual
gifts were given to him by God after he was saved
in 2002.
received his spiritual gifts and a Prophetic Utterance from God
that propelled him to share the information with the world.
He was so overwhelmed
by the information that God had given him,
and what God asked him to do, he wept and wept because of the gravity
of the information.
Jonathan was very angry
that God would show him the information, because he didn't understand:
"I sat in my
room weeping, yelling and begging the Lord to tell me who I was.
I was mentally grappling with my new found ability and it seemed
so desperately impossible. Then, a force far greater than anything
I had ever known led my hand to open a Bible on my coffee table.
I read the words in Hebrews 1:5 ~"You are my son, today
I have become your Father." Although this passage
is the Lord speaking to Jesus, I knew fully and completely that
at that moment God had answered me, and called me to be His own.
Truly, it was all so impossible, but the gift He had given me testified
that it was all so absolutely true. I wept tears of sorrow and tears
of joy. They both streamed down my face and came together into a
river of forgiveness that opened up into a limitless sea of grace.
The Lord had washed me clean. I would no longer live my life in
the darkness. I had been called to live in the light. This incredible
light exposed the lies that laid hidden in the darkness, and led
me to the truth. I knew in the past I had turned my back on God,
but now He had rescued me. He showed me emphatically through the
spirit of Jesus Christ, that He was my Creator. The gift He gave
me was absolute proof! He had contacted me through a supernatural
power, from a source far outside of myself that reached far beyond
me and somehow seemed to be throughout me at the same time. There
was absolutely no doubt that the Holy One of Israel had called me
through the Spirit of Jesus Christ and He had bestowed upon me an
absolutely incredible gift. The gift was a light so bright that
the darkness and lies could not hide from it!"
during that time he didn't understand, so he asked God...
am I to you that you would reveal
this information to me?"
That was when
God revealed the meaning of his name,
meant - "Yahweh has given"
meant - "A Town Crier"
In complete and
utter stupefication, Jonathan was downloaded with the
ability to discern imagery and supernatural discernment.
At first he had
to overcome hurdles of fear and anxiety
that the Lord had chosen him for such a mission.
But a
mission it was, and a journey it has been! |
2004, Jonathan made a video about the words that were put in his
mind by the Lord.
Later on, he met up with a friend who helped him get his first video
on YouTube.
He was led to decrypt the images on the U.S. $5, $10, $20 &
$50 dollar bills (both old and new)
and most amazingly, he has also decrypted an ancient Egyptian Hieroglyph
of Akhenaten from 1350BC!!
you see his decryption of this ancient Egyptian tablet,
you will be amazed at how it shows, how it proves, the condition
of all human beings.
He also shows the solution to this problem and how you can save
your spirit.
You cannot save your flesh from what is coming on this earth!!
He has made many videos since these initial clips and the Lord has
shown him many supernatural
things in regard to end-time events. He feels compelled to share
these things with the world!|
God has propelled
him to bring you the message!
many peoples eyes are closed to the truth!
Jonathan's gifts were
bestowed upon him so that he could 'decrypt' images that were otherwise
missing the meaning of the symbols contained within and give all
of humankind not only the reason for our sinful nature, but the
Jesus Christ made it possible for everyone of us to be saved through
His shedding of his holy blood on the cross.
You will "be shown" by Jonathan what the nature of man
is, but Jonathan says:
"Read the corresponding scripture and
God will teach the things that he is revealing through me."
believe me!" He says;
in the unerring and absolute truth from God in the Holy Bible!"

this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing,
and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see
with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand
with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
~Matthew 13:14-16

must die to self and accept Jesus as our redeemer and payment
for sin..you must also believe that He was raised from
the dead and overcame death. then.. through
Faith by Grace you are saved."
~Jonathn Kleck. A response given to a commenter on segment 1 of
"Kingdom Divided, Out of the Darkness and into the Light"
DVD and Video Series. Free for your viewing.
you know very well that
the day of the Lord
will come like a thief in the night."
-1 Thessalonians 5:2
dressed ready for service and keep
your lamps burning"
-Luke 12:35
yourselves to prayer, being watchful
and thankful."
-Colossians 4:2
the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he reveleth his
secret unto his servents the prophets.
~Amos 3:7

to Jonathans Decryption of the
Ancient Egyptian Tablet from 1340BC
